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Who is it for? 

  • For those who would like to pursue design education or already studying animation or game art seeking to boost skills.

  • The beginner student's course is designed to create solid foundational skills in drawing and introduce the student to materials and how to use them effectively. For those who are prospecting to study at a design college, the exercises started here should help form a competitive portfolio.

  • The intermediate student course expands on some basics you may have acquired already, revisit and strengthen your use of materials as well as concepts. The exercises started here would help you through the college as the best resource and knowledge base and give a competitive edge in executing your degree projects and beyond.

  • The lectures, case studies, and theory are very informative and will help form a solid foundation to build upon. 

What is the ideal age?

  • Usually, the beginner course is applicable for anyone between ages 14 and 18 and intermediate between 18 and 22. However, there are exceptions in students who are young and have been training on their own or with guidance already and may display a higher capacity to fulfill the course requirements.

I’ve already done an art course, can I just learn other skills from you?

  • It is also possible that you have done/ doing another art course and just want other skill sets. However, there are some foundation requirements that I may see not addressed through the portfolio, if so I would recommend doing the drawing foundations course first here.

  • Remember that it is an iterative process and repeating or redoing exercises is the only way to gaining skills.

How many classes in an 8-week course?

  • The lectures and new lessons drop into the student dashboard in the form of videos, the student starts with observing, understanding, and creating followed by submission. 

  • Post submission, the live online classes will be about 1:1 feedback in a group format where the student also gets to see others work and listen to the critique. This simulates a studio-like experience with the mentor.


  • There is no returns policy as there are limited seats for the sake of maximum time allocated to the individuals in the class. 

  • If there are difficult circumstances wherein the student finds it hard to continue, the student can opt to take part again when the next batch commences only.

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